Embodiment Mentorship

Coming Summer 2023

welcome, love,

I know you’re ready for this.

For all of your cells, organs, body, heart, and mind to be integrated in a transformative practice.

Your body has a language all of its own.

One that we will deepen, so that you can reclaim an unknown power,

to transmit your embodied truth authentically & powerfully.

This isn’t about becoming “more artistic” or even “more self-expressed”.

This is about finding a way to move through life that is honest, trustworthy, magnetic and artistic.

Art by Maya Night

I’ve seen you.

You are SO in your body.

You do your practices. You dance. You meditate. You manifest.

You even coach people thru the process of alchemy and you want to go deeper, deeper, deeper into your somatic holding of this work.

You’re here to.

Cement embodied being into our collective consciousness

Move as a beacon for divine intelligence in every moment

Teach your clients & community in away that is deep/rich/sexy and simple

Vibrate as the Artist, the Poet, the Priestess on earth

Metamorph your presence as you teach, coach, create, share, write, talk, walk, dress and mooooreeee

Muse Alchemy is that methodology.

I’ve been a mover for my entire life, but afters years of yoga and ecstatic dance, I was craving something deeper - a system that met me on all levels - somatically, spiritually, intellectually and mythologically.

I wanted my practice to
feel like ceremony, make sense like science,
expand my somatic capacity & enhance my healing power.

After teaching, studying and training in a variety of modalities over the last ten years, I created a basic, yet rich systems of movement that is universally true.

I practiced it. Refined it. Taught it to hundreds.

And now, I’m opening the space to mentor you!

I’m Maya.

What’s Inside

7 Practices that will change how you’re in your body forever

The signature method melded into a quantum technology for marketing & sales magick

+ 3 live mentorship calls with Maya

++ A 1:1 Session with MA Facilitator

Love for Muse Alchemy

“Muse Alchemy is such a beautiful portal into the world of embodiment and connection. It’ll activate your own knowing and invite you to communicate with your body in ways you didn’t know imaginable. Short, accessible, but magical practices that guide you into expansion.

Nikolina Adzic


“Muse Alchemy changed my life!

Movement, dance, joy, pleasure, tears, fear... I felt it all. I was a dancer growing up and knew all the masculine things. The counting, sets, alignment but never felt free in my body. I didn't understand dance embodiment until Muse Alchemy which helped me access so much of my power. This course will change the way you feel and connect with your body. Get it and listen to it for like ever.”

Stefi Lane


“Muse Alchemy will teach you more about yourself in 7 days than most coaches, programs, and trainings ever could.”

Monica Justesen


“I love it, will be sharing these practices with my clients and am really grateful to Maya for creating this!”

Melissa Lopez 


How do I know if Muse Alchemy is for me?

Muse Alchemy was created for you if you want to explore the next level of your self-practice and/or teach these elements to your clients.

Who is Muse Alchemy not for?

Anyone who thinks they understand themselves/movement medicine completely. In order to learn, you need a beginners mind and a healthy dose of, “I’ll never have all the answers in this lifetime.”

I’m not a coach; is Muse Alchemy for me?

If you want to move/be in your body in a new way, absolutely!

What if self-expression is really hard for me?

Muse Alchemy meets you wherever you are. This is for advanced movers and beginners alike. You are the one who controls the level of depth that you bring yourself too.

Do I have to finish in the 7 weeks?

Take your time. Integrate and expand. There is no “finishing” this course. It is a life path & you have it for a lifetime.

How It Works

1. You sign up for the program today by clicking here.

2. You’ll create an account and get immediate access to all of the amazing video practices today to work through in your own time.

3. You’ll be updated the second our 2023 schedule launches.

Go within,

I can’t wait to witness your magick.